Cisco NetFlow IOS And IOS XE

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Cisco IOS Steps

Configure the following on the interface you want to capture netflows on. Most cases you would enable on WAN and LAN

interface gig0/0/0
description WAN
ip nbar protocol-discovery
ip flow ingress

interface gig0/0/1
description LAN
ip nbar protocol-discovery
ip flow ingress

Now Configure your Flow Exporter

You will export to your netflow server via the LAN interface unless its cloud based.

ip flow-export source GigabitEthernet0/0/1

Change the IP address and the port destination

ip flow-export destination 9999

Cisco IOS XE is a lot different to configure NetFlow here are the steps

First let configure our netflow exporter

flow exporter netflow
source GigabitEthernet0/0/1
transport udp 9999
export-protocol netflow-v5

Now Let configure the netflow Monitor

flow monitor netflow
exporter netflow
record netflow-original

Now configure your interfaces

Interface gig0/0/0
description WAN
ip flow monitor netflow input
ip nbar protocol-discovery

Interface gig0/0/1
description LAN
ip flow monitor netflow input
ip nbar protocol-discovery